Thursday, January 21, 2016

Angle Forward with TypeScript

Last night I presented a lightning talk at the Atlanta AngularJS meetup group about migrating or upgrading from Angular 1.x to Angular 2.0. Despite inclimate weather and threat of ice that normally would shut down the city of Atlanta, it was a well-attended talk.


In around 20 minutes I did my best to explain the strategy to upgrade along with the advantages of TypeScript. I realized when preparing for this talk that I’ve been using it since it was released in beta in late 2012! I then discussed three approaches to upgrades and performed a live demonstration of converting Angular 1.x JavaScript to Angular 2.0 with TypeScript on the fly using ngUpgrade.

Here is the deck, including links to the Todo project you can use to see a very simple demonstration of what a piecemeal, “side-by-side” upgrade looks like.

Are you working on an upgrade or looking into the right path? Share your thoughts and comments below. As always, thanks for reading and supporting this blog!