Angular is the most popular web application framework right now and version 2.0 is right around the corner. It is a major change from the older version in both syntax and composition and how you will author apps. Get a jumpstart on Angular and TypeScript and learn about components, pipes, dependency injection, and other features in this video series.

I created the Introduction to Angular 2 and TypeScript video to teach you how to get started from the ground up. I literally start with a clean slate, show you how to install cross-platform tools that will run on Windows, Linux, or MacOX, and leverage those tools to build your first Angular 2.0 app using TypeScript. I also review a larger app that I recently migrated and discuss the relevant changes.
Don’t let the fact that this a paid video at WintellectNOW slow you down, either. Access this and hundreds of other videos when you use promo code LIKNESS-16 to get 2400 minutes of free video access over the next 14 days. If you like what you see and want access to the full library, an annual membership (that’s unlimited access for the entire year) is only USD $99 as of January 2016 – or $8.25 a month, which is less than what it costs to eat lunch at most places these days.
Back to the Angular 2 video, check out the table of contents then head over right now to get your jumpstart.
- Introduction
- Angular 2 Overview
- Introducing TypeScript
- TypeScript in Action (Demo)
- Visual Studio Code and Node.js
- Setting up the Environment (Demo)
- Hello, Angular! (Demo)
- Working with Data: Display
- Courses (Demo)
- Working with Data: Input and Forms (Events)
- Events (Demo)
- Working with Data: Input and Forms (Forms)
- Angular Health App (Demo)
- Components, Directives, and Pipes
- Components, Directives, and Pipes in Action (Demo)
- Dependency Injection
- Angular 1.x Comparison and Migration
- Next Steps
- Conclusion
Whew! I’m tired just listing it all. Enjoy, and if you do watch the video please feel free to come back and share your thoughts here! I welcome any and all feedback and suggestions.
Until the next time, I am …